Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758, NRG Room 4238,,

INEW 2338 Advanced Java Programming

Assignment 1 for Chapter 6

Revised 11/12/05

The files that you deliver for this assignment must include a controlling class file named Asg06_01.class plus all of the source code files that you compiled to produce your class files.

Click here for general requirements regarding all programming assignments.

Click here to download a zip file containing a sample version of this assignment.  Your application must replicate the look, feel, and behavior of this sample except that your name must be included in the output of your version of the application where indicated.

Before starting to write this assignment, you should study the study guide entitled Java2D.

Write a Java application that will produce the screen output shown in Figure 1.

Your name must appear in the banner at the top of the image.

Run my version of the program and make the overall size of your image the same as the overall size of my image.  On my computer, the overall size of the image is 385 pixels by 385 pixels, but it may be different on your computer depending on your screen resolution.

Each quadrant contains three ellipses colored red, green, and blue.  The stacking order of the ellipses is:

The relative length relationships of the major axes for each of the three ellipses are:

The lengths of the major and minor axes for the red ellipses are the same.

The length of the minor axes for the blue ellipses is the same as the length of the minor axes for the green ellipses.  The ratio of the lengths of the major to minor axes for the blue ellipses is 0.9/0.25

There is a 60-degree angle between the major axes of each of the three ellipses in each quadrant.  The angles of the major axes for the blue and green ellipses are symmetrical about the vertical axis.

Each ellipse has a non-transparent outline with the width of the outline being as shown in Figure 1.  (You can visually approximate the width of the non-transparent outline.)

Each ellipse may also be transparent.  The transparency characteristics are:

Figure 1 Program output.


File:  Asg06_01.htm